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Discovering Edible Flowers: How I Became a Wee Flower Eater

In 2018 we moved into a super cute garden cottage in Ashland, Oregon and were very excited to grow food and flowers. While I was looking at seed packs at the garden center, I found one called Edible Beauties by Botanical Interests and the picture on the packet was amazing colorful flowers. At this time, I had no idea edible flowers were a thing, so I picked it up and asked Chris about them. Being a chef, he had a lot of experience using edible flowers so he confirmed to me that edible flowers are real and we could grow these in our garden. To say I was excited is an understatement. We bought the seed pack and planted them right away and I spent the next two summers in Ashland garnishing my food and drinks with borage, cornflowers, johnny jump ups, calendulas, nasturtiums and more. I rarely ate without them! I loved entertaining and serving flowery foods and cocktails to our visitors. I started reading more about their health benefits and unique flavor profiles and as a dedicated plant eater, I couldn't get enough of this. I absolutely fell in love with edible flowers and decided I would never be without them again as long as we had a garden to grow them!

sunflower in a cottage garden
I was so proud of my "sonflower" grown from seed.

cat in garden
Our garden cottage was complete with a kitty. The neighbor's cat always made himself at home in our garden. He looks so adorable next to the nasturtiums.

garden harvest salad
Our garden harvest.

edible flower pizza
Pizza art! I decorated this one with nasturtium petals, basil leaves and cornflower petals.

garden oasis
Our garden oasis. We had so much fun entertaining here.

garden harvest
A beautiful meal entirely from our garden! The start of my obsession with flower salads.

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